Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Problemas en las aduanas al entrar a Estados Unidos

Problemas en las aduanas al entrar a Estados Unidos Entrar en Estados Unidos no siempre es posible, aunque se tengan todos los documentos en regla. Y es que cuando un extranjero se presenta en las aduanas puede suceder que no se le permita entrar, por considerarlo inadmisible. Esto puede suceder no sà ³lo con extranjeros que intentan llegar al paà ­s usando pasaportes o visas falsas, sino tambià ©n con aquellos que cuentan con una visa vlida sin expirar, o que viajan sin visa porque pertenecen a un paà ­s acogido al Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas. Esto ocurre porque el oficial de Proteccià ³n de Aduanas y Fronteras (CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) tiene la à ºltima palabra para decidir quià ©n entra a Estados Unidos y quià ©n no. Causas por las que se prohà ­be entrar en Estados Unidos Las causas son variadà ­simas y pueden ir desde que se ha intentado utilizar un pasaporte o una visa falsa a alegar ser ciudadano americano cuando no es verdad. O haber tenido una presencia ilegal con anterioridad, haber cometido delitos agravados o inmorales o ser un peligro para la seguridad del paà ­s. Incluso posesià ³n de marihuana por ms de 30 gramos para consumo personal. Tambià ©n es posible que la visa està © cancelada o revocada aunque su titular no lo sepa. Si sospecha que ese puede ser su caso, es recomendable obtener un rà ©cord de inmigracià ³n o si no tiene ni idea de cul puede el problema. Y por supuesto que puede suceder que se niegue el ingreso a Estados Unidos porque el extranjero no est utilizando la visa correcta. Por ejemplo, pretende entrar con visa de turista para casarse. O quiere estudiar en el high school o en la universidad o en academia de inglà ©s pero pero llega sin visado si es de un paà ­s como Chile o Espaà ±a o tiene uno de turista.   Incluso circunstancias como ser una amenaza a la salud pà ºblica por padecer ciertas enfermedades o generar la sospecha en el oficial de la CBP de que se tiene la intencià ³n de violar la visa y quedarse en el paà ­s por ms tiempo del autorizado.   Para evaluar si existe un problema que convierte a una persona en inelegible para la visa que trae o en inadmisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos, el oficial migratorio realiza, como mà ­nimo una pregunta. Estos son 7 ejemplos tà ­picos. Y a continuacià ³n puede decidir permitir el ingreso, enviar a la persona a una segunda inspeccià ³n (el famoso cuartito) o decidir regresarlo. Quà © sucede cuando la CBP no permite la entrada Pueden ocurrir los siguientes escenarios: El extranjero es objeto de una expulsià ³n inmediata. Es lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como expedited removal. Sà ³lo en el caso de que se tenga una visa vlida puede suceder que el oficial de aduanas prefiera que la decisià ³n final la tome un juez de inmigracià ³n. En este caso se entregar una citacià ³n en una corte con jurisdiccià ³n en el lugar de destino final del extranjero. O tambià ©n puede suceder que se le conceda la oportunidad de retirar su peticià ³n para entrar a Estados Unidos. Es lo que se conocen inglà ©s como permission to withdraw his/her application for admission. Esta opcià ³n es ms ventajosa que la de la expulsià ³n inmediata. Hay que entender que retirar la peticià ³n para entrar no es un derecho, sino que es un privilegio que concede a su discrecià ³n el oficial de la CBP a cargo. Para concederla tendr en cuenta distintos factores como que el extranjero no tiene intencià ³n de violar la ley, que la causa por la que es inadmisible es leve y puede ser subsanada y tambià ©n circunstancias humanitarias como su edad y salud. Si decide darle la oportunidad de retirar la peticià ³n para entrar en Estados Unidos entonces el oficial de inmigracià ³n completar la forma I-275, que cancela la visa, y en la que se especifica claramente la causa de la inadmisibilidad. A esta forma se adjuntar una declaracià ³n jurada del extranjero. Adems se le explicar quà © debe hacer para corregir el problema que en esa ocasià ³n ha impedido que pudiese entrar a Estados Unidos. Por ejemplo, si la razà ³n es que fue condenado por un delito inmoral, se le dir que debe rellenar la planilla  I-192 para subsanar este problema. Consecuencias de problemas graves en el control migratorio La persona que es objeto de una expulsià ³n inmediata no podr regresar al paà ­s por un periodo de cinco aà ±os. Si desea regresar antes deber pedir un perdà ³n o waiver que se concede en casos muy especà ­ficos. Por el contrario, el extranjero al que se le permite retirar su peticià ³n de entrada al paà ­s no se le prohibe regresar por ningà ºn periodo de tiempo ni tiene que pedir permiso previo para volver a intentar entrar. Lo que sà ­ es muy aconsejable es que analice la forma I-275 donde se especifica la causa de inadmisibilidad y que solucione ese problema antes de ponerse de nuevo en marcha hacia Estados Unidos.Y pedir una visa nueva, porque precisamente ese formulario cancelà ³ la que se tenà ­a. A tener en cuenta para los residentes permanentes Los residentes permanentes legales que pasen en el extranjero ms de un aà ±o sin contar con el debido permiso y luego intentan regresar al paà ­s usando su green card se encontrarn con que la CBP considerar que han perdido su estatus de residentes. En estos se les permitir abandonar voluntariamente su condicià ³n de titulares de una tarjeta de residencia legal rellenando el formulario I-407. Si asà ­ lo hacen, pierden la residencia. Si se oponen a ello, les ser entregada una nota para comparecer ante un juez de inmigracià ³n, que ser quien decida si pueden conservar su estatus o si lo han perdido definitivamente. Informacià ³n que puede interesar En la frontera o aeropuerto se puede solicitar asilo pero en la realidad est habiendo muchos problemas en los puntos de control migratorio en la frontera con Mà ©xico. Recordar que hay dos controles: el de inmigracià ³n y el de aduanas. No se debe  traer productos prohibidos y conviene estar enterado de regulaciones como la que gobierna cunto alcohol se puede  llevar  y de cunto dinero se puede  ingresar a Estados Unidos sin declarar. Test de respuestas mà ºltiples para despejar dudas Es altamente recomendable tomar este  quiz, trivial o test sobre visas  para asegurarte  de que sabes lo fundamental para obtener y conservar los visados. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

5 Great Short Story Tips for Writers - Proofeds Writing Tips

5 Great Short Story Tips for Writers - Proofeds Writing Tips 5 Great Short Story Tips for Writers Short stories are a great way to hone your writing skills before setting to work on your long-planned novel. They’re also an art form in themselves. Whatever your motivation for writing, though, we have some great short story tips for authors. Read on to find out more! 1. Some Stories Are Shorter than Others A short story will typically be between 1,500 and 7,500 words long. However, some are longer and others are as short as a single sentence. It is up to you! You can see how different short stories are sometimes classified, as well as how these compare to a novel, below: Fiction Format Average Length Microfiction Under 100 words Flash fiction 100 to 1,000 words Short story 1,000 to 7,500 words Novelette 7,500 to 17,500 words Novella 17,500 to 50,000 words Novel 50,000 words or more Before you start writing, think about which format to use and set yourself a word limit. This can work as a guideline when planning your story. 2. Work with Limitations To make sure your short story doesn’t accidentally grow into a novella, set some limitations on the plot as well as the word count. These could be physical (e.g., a story that takes place in a single room) or time based (e.g., a story that takes place in a single day). You could even set a limitation on the number of characters or â€Å"scenes† that your short story will involve. Whatever limitation you choose, working with a narrower scope will help you focus on the core of your story. 3. Think About the World of the Story The best short stories feel like they belong to a larger, lived-in world. You won’t have space to explain this world fully, but you can think about how it would shape the tale you are telling. Make notes about the history of your characters and the world they belong to before you begin writing. This can give you a better sense of what they are like and how they would interact with one another. You can even hint at this by alluding to your characters’ pasts in your writing. 4. Edit Ruthlessly! Thanks to the limitations of a short story, you will almost certainly write too much on your first draft. This is completely fine. The key is to take what you’ve written and then refine it. Think about cutting anything that isn’t essential to the story you’re telling. And remember the old advice about showing, not telling: i.e., that it is better to use action to show how a character feels than telling the reader directly. In a short story, this can also help cut down on unnecessary narration. 5. Look for a Publisher If you are proud of your short story, you might want to share it with the world! Check out some of the many magazines and blogs that feature short stories. Once you find one that carries the same type or genre of writing as your own, look up their rules for submitting stories and follow these closely.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Management - Service Package Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management - Service Package - Essay Example An elderly care center is a specialized place designed to take care of elderly people in the society. Therefore, a number of supporting facilities must be taken care of before elderly people are admitted into the elderly care center. In some states, it is a requirement that all elderly care centers comply with state regulations concerning the nursing home reform act. Supporting facilities Supporting facilities refer to physical resources that must be in place before a service can be given out. A key component of facilitating goods encompasses architectural appropriateness, which means that the structures should be tailored according to the needs of the elderly people. In terms of architecture, the houses should be constructed in line with the prevailing climatic conditions of the place where the elderly care centre will be located (White & Duncan 263). The houses should encompass various rooms with washrooms, which are well maintained to cater for the needs of the elderly. The archit ectural design should provide for facilities such as places where the elderly can rest whenever they want to relax. The interior decor should consist of quality furniture and the house should be well decorated. The tables, sofas, and other furniture should be made with appropriate designs and from quality timber. The layout of the facility should be placed in a location with a good flow of traffic to avoid any unnecessary disturbance to the elderly. Other essential supporting facilities include facilities to ensure safety against fire, grab bars in bathrooms and toilets, private toilets and bathrooms, safes, and locked drawers. The houses should also be equipped with supporting facilities such as temperature controls and heating facilities. Other supporting facilities include fitness rooms, libraries, activity rooms, theatres, open grounds for exercises, and walking facilities for persons with walking problems (White & Duncan 268). To improve on security within the housing facility, wander alert systems, alarmed exits, automated fire sprinkler systems, and enclosed yards should be considered. Facilitating goods Facilitating goods refer to goods consumed by buyer or goods as well as materials purchased and consumed by the providers of services. The facilitating goods necessary in an elderly care centre include quality mattresses and warm blankets. Quality will ensure that the elderly feel comfortable when they sleep while the warm blankets will significantly reduce the chances of them to feel cold. Sleeping in a comfortable place can reduce the chances of conditions such as backaches and flu. The caregivers should also be provided with mattresses of high quality as well as warm blankets. This will ensure that they do not have any hindrance while providing services to the elderly (Johnston & Clark 32). Other essential facilitating goods, which should be made available in the elderly care centre, include toothpaste, shampoo, as well as uniforms for the elders and caregivers. Toothpaste and shampoo are essential goods, which ensure the general well being and hygiene in the elderly care centre. Uniforms should be provided as they play an essential role in identifying both the caregivers and the elders. This helps in differentiating between the elderly and caregivers. Service explicit The explicit services refer to benefits, which can be observed and felt with the use of the senses. The achievement of explicit services calls for the employment of qualified caregivers who can treat

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Unwritten Constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Unwritten Constitution - Essay Example Paine’s definition of constitution is based upon 4 premises: 1. the constitution precedes and establishes the system of government; 2. the people are the superior authority; 3. the constitution binds the Legislature and the Judiciary; 4. it is entrenched, designed to limit the powers of the Executive, and can only be changed by special procedures. Wheare, (1966), defines a constitution as: â€Å"[T]he whole system of government of a country, the collection of rules which establish and regulate or govern the government.† The Select Committee on the Constitution appointed in 2001 uses the following working definition: â€Å"[T]he set of laws, rules and practices that create the basic institutions of the state, and its component and related parts, and stipulate the powers of those institutions and the relationship between the different institutions and between those institutions and the individual.† In most constitutions a concentration of powers is avoided by keeping the legislature, executive and judicial powers separate. This ensures that certain rights of the citizen are beyond the reach of the organs of government and are entrenched by requiring a special legislative procedure if they are to be amended. However, commentators in the UK prefer a wider definition. ... Further as Bradley & Ewing point out: "In practice, a written constitution does not contain all the detailed rules upon which a government depends."6 The jurist and legal historian, Lord Hailsham believes that a written constitution is not necessary pointing out that: "The essential ingredientsare a strong executive based on an omnicompetent and elective legislatureregular electionspowerful and independent oppositionand limitedby convention and precedentand regulated more by checks and balances deriving from political constraints and necessities than by a written legal code policed by a Supreme Court."7 It is misleading to refer to the British Constitution as 'unwritten': "from the Magna Carta to the Local Government Acts most of our constitutional law is contained somewhere in the growing volumes of written Acts of Parliament."8 Hailsham sees no particular reason for a codified constitution since he argues that: "Throughout our history, our Constitution has proved flexible, sensitive and almost infinitely capable of evolutionary adaptation. "9 The flexibility of an 'unwritten' constitution allows the people to vote out the Executive when necessary and for majority rule. Countries with written constitutions have the equivalent of a Constitutional Court which has a remit to amend the constitution.10 "It is an axiom of our constitutional law that no parliament may bind its successor.A traditional constitution, changing and evolving with the needs of a nation, may well prove more flexible and practical than the legal strait-jacket imposed by a 'written Constitution'."11 As examples Hailsham looks at the first two articles of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Thousand Splendid Suns Narrative Strategies Essay Example for Free

A Thousand Splendid Suns Narrative Strategies Essay A Thousand Splendid Suns the reader would think its a happy novel, however theres nothing particularly splendid one would assume about the novel. From the very beginning of the novel the author, Khaled Hosseini inserts hints and foreshadowing to aware the reader that it will be an unhappy story. This is evident in the following illustration when Mariam breaks the sugar bowl , It was the last peice that slipped from Mariams fingers, that fell to the wooden floorboards of thekolba and shattered (Hosseini 2). Hosseini is generating depressing emotions in the novel by introducing words fell or shattered resembling failure or sin. The reader also gets introduced to the word Harami and other words, such as kolba and Jinn which are terms not identified by the author, so the reader must rely on the context to better understand what the word means. For example, when Mariam expresses the fear that the jinn has returned to her mother, the reader will assume that jinn is something bad. The use of these terms establishes the setting , but also signifies that some things cannot be translated remaining a mystery for the reader. In the novel , Hosseini makes the reader live, see and feel by portraying the experiences the characters are going through in the novel, and by writing from a third person point of view , he broadens the readers ability because the perspective of the characters is limited, sometimes Mariam, sometimes Laila, which works to great effect to attach the reader to both characters equally.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Friendship in the Kite Runner Essay examples -- Literary Analysis

The line between a friend and an enemy is thinner than one can ever imagine. In the words of Henry David Thoreau, "True friendship is never serene" (ThinkExist.com). The job of a friend is so much more than a companion, to pass the time with. They help us shape our life, and they're responsible to be that little voice in our ear, to help us analyze our actions and views. Through Amir's relationships, The Kite Runner shows the true role of a friend to point and guide us even when we don't agree; total devotion can ruin not only a friendship, but a life. In Hossini's novel, there are plenty of examples of a true friendship, which isn't afraid to criticize and be truthful. The simplest is Amir's wife, Soraya. While some would say her marriage to Amir isn't a true love match, but rather an arranged marriage, they are absolutely in love. She isn't afraid, however, to tell Amir of "what happened in Virginia" (Hosseini 456). She trusts Amir to understand, and to talk to her as a friend. He doesn't try to make what she did right, but instead he praises her courage as "one of many ways in which Soraya Taheri was a better person than me" (Hosseini 424). Because of this friendship, their relationship becomes an exchange. Amir tells her his entire story about Hassan and his guilt, and she helps him through his emotional reconciliation with that, by taking in Sohrab and helping bring him to America. They have no secrets, nothing goes unspoken, and they help each other. While their love might not be viewed as perfect, they temper it wi th enough truth to keep each other on the right path. An often overlooked character, a simple Afghan family man, shows Amir more "tough" than "tough love," but still turns out to be a true friend... ...le for the past, and to make up for a broken friendship. By contrasting these relationships, Hosseini proves that healthy relationships require an even measure of disagreement, correction, and help to stay afloat. Works Cited Hosseini, Khaled. The Kite Runner. iBookstore. New York: Penguin eBooks, 2004. LaFollete, Hugh. "Pragmatic Ethics." 2007. Blackwell Guide to Ethical Theory. 12 January 2010 . Princeton University WordNet. Lexicon Dictionary Search. 20 December 2010. 2011 January 16 . Simon & Garfunkel. "The Dangling Conversation." Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme. By Paul Simon. Columbia Records, 1966. ThinkExist.com. Quotes on Friendship. 13 July 2002. 12 January 2011 .

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Children in Crisis Essay

When one thinks of people in crisis, children are usually the furthest thing from their mind. The fact is that children endure crisis just the same as adults. The difference is that their coping skills are limited due to the fact that their brains are not fully developed and their cognitive abilities are limited. Children endure crisis in all kinds of ways. Some have been traumatized due to a natural disaster, others by divorce, death, foster care, asthma or because of a mental disorder. This paper will discuss some of the different types of crisis that children endure and the effect that the crisis has had on their lives. Children in Crisis Everyone has encountered a crisis at some point in their life. What might be a crisis for one individual is not a crisis for another. A crisis can be defined as â€Å"a perception or experiencing of an event or situation as an intolerable difficulty that exceeds the person’s current resources and coping mechanisms† (James, 2008, p. 3). If an individual does not get help with overcoming their crisis then the crisis could have a severe impact on their behavior as well as their cognitive functioning. James, 2008) A crisis becomes a crisis in ones life because they do not have the knowledge of how to handle or deal with their current situation. They are often times paralyzed emotionally and mentally which leaves them feeling out of control of their lives. When one thinks of people in crisis, children do not usually cross their mind. The truth of the matter is that children endure crisis just like adults do. Most adult who experience a crisis are unable to help their self and they definitely are not going to be able to help their children. Children do not have the same coping skills as adults and often times end up needing psychiatric treatment as a result of crisis in their lives. Children can endure crisis in many ways. Some, but not all, of these ways are through experiencing natural/man-made disasters, others by divorce of their parents, death of a friend or relative, being placed in foster care, having a childhood illness such as asthma or because of a mental disorder. These children, like adults, need help to therapeutically process through the crisis in their lives. Crisis most always means that one has lost someone or something. Children need help accepting their losses and expressing their painful emotions in appropriate ways. Children are resilient, but they also experience feelings of fear, anxiety, guilt, anger and sorrow. It is important to help children understand that enduring crisis is an opportunity to see God at work in their life. Types of Crisis That Children Endure A natural or man-made disaster is something that many children across the United States have had to deal with. Many of these disasters have been compounded by having a crisis within a crisis. An example of this would be the traumatic events of September 11, 2001. This was a crisis that no one was prepared for and unfortunately because of those who died in this horrible attack, many children were left without one or both of their parents. These type of events leave children â€Å"terrified, not only by the event, but by their own thoughts and feelings† (Gaffney, 2006, p. 1005) regarding the event. Children who experience this type of crisis often seem as though they have lost touch with reality. They might not be able to clearly communicate about the crisis and many times are mistakenly labeled as â€Å"poor historians† (Gaffney, 2006) because they are not able to sequence the event correctly. This is because the child’s â€Å"brain’s ability to process, retain, and recall information has been compromised by the trauma† (Gaffney, 2006, p. 1006). They have trouble identifying their feelings and placing appropriate emotions with those feelings. This leaves the child with unresolved issues and a picture in their mind that they are unable to verbally describe. It is expected that children who endure this type of trauma will â€Å"exhibit transient to long-term behavior changes† (Gaffney, 2006, p. 1010). This behavioral change can be anything from biting their lip to withdrawing socially. In order for the child to begin the healing process after a natural or man-made disaster, one must help them to understand that they will never forget the people or things they have lost, but their pain will become easier as time goes by. Divorce is another crisis that many children endure that leaves them in a shattered world of hopes and dreams. Divorce for a child means that life as they once knew it will never be the same. Children who have parents that divorce often times have to begin living new lives. They are required to conform to two different standards of living which represent two different sets of values. These children are experiencing conflict at all times due to having disgruntled parents. These parents lose their ability to support their children because they are focused on their own feelings of not being supported by their spouse. Divorce can create loyalty issues for the children and cause them to feel as though they have to take sides and dislike the other parent. A divorce can interrupt a child’s emotional and educational development. A child’s age will cause them to respond to divorce differently. Preschool children â€Å"have an incomplete and confused understanding of what has caused such a radical change in the family routine† (Henning, 1977, p. 55). The child’s ability to cope is very limited and the most common emotion that they experience is fear. They are unable to verbalize their feelings, but replay pictures in their mind of the verbal and sometimes physically abuse they have witnessed. School aged children are magical thinkers and envision the parents getting back together by working out their problems. These children are easily manipulated by gifts or tokens and like the idea of being able to â€Å"get whatever they want† (Henning, 1977) from the other parent. These children often worry about who will care for them if the other parent dies or becomes ill. Adolescent children are more prone to experience anger and depression during times of divorce. These children are more apt to participate in deviant behavior as a way of expressing their emotions concerning the divorce. Their academics suffer and students who were making good grades begin to fail. The biggest issue for â€Å"children during the divorce process is that the adults involved in marital strife are not looking for ways in which to help their children adjust to the transition, but are searching for ways to implement their own personal life readjustment† (Henning, 1997, p. 56). Experiencing divorce can actually be a form of death in a child’s life. The death of a parent, friend or loved one is one of the most disturbing experiences that a child will ever face. Death, especially of a parent, leaves the child feeling scared and alone. They do not believe that others truly understand what they are feeling. They desire for the one they have lost to return to them. This often leaves the child with painful memories of their loved one. Children will â€Å"cry easily, lose interest in eating, or experience physical discomfort† (Gaffney, 2006, p. 1008). In order for these children to heal, they must first deal with the symptoms they are experiencing as a result of their traumatic event. Then they must have help walking through the grieving process. Gaffney, 2006) This same grieving process is experienced by children who have been placed into foster care. Although their parents have not physically died, their life as they once knew it has. It is reported that approximately â€Å"40,000 children in the United States live in out-of-home residential care facilities† (Ulrich, 2005, p. 13). This does not include the number of children that are entering therapeutic foster homes on a daily basis. These children are removed from their homes, families and environments to be placed in unfamiliar surroundings. Then these children are expected to flourish. These children enter into a state of crisis because they feel that both them â€Å"and the situation are about to be out of control† (Smiar, 1992, p. 149). They are told that they now have a new family, will start a new school, and have to make new friends. They are told by their caseworker that they can trust them. Then the child finds out that the caseworker has moved on and a new caseworker has been assigned to their case. This was the individual who was supposed to be â€Å"responsible for their safety, stability, well-being and permanence† (Strolin-Goltzman, 2010, p. 7), yet they are now gone. This creates problems related to emotional and physical stability for these children. They have lost trust in the adults in their life due to a series of unhealthy relationships and take on a non-caring attitude. This non-caring attitude will often cost the child their current placement mainly if the family is not prepared to handle aggressive, defiant behavior. These particu lar children spend the remainder of their time in foster care moving from placement to placement. Their life is forever changed at the hand of â€Å"caring adults† who want them to experience a better life. It is the constant changing in one’s life along with unresolved emotional issues that cause these children to end up in a psychiatric facility and then diagnosed with a mental disorder. According to research ,â€Å"one in 5 children has a diagnosable mental health or addictive disorders, and 2 in 10 has a serious emotional disturbance that significantly impairs functioning at school, at home and in the community† (Mellin, 2009, p. 501). It is suggested that the â€Å"prevalence of serious emotional disorders is higher among children who are in state custody than in the general population† (Lyons, 1997, p. 312). This is due to the risk factors involved prior to the children being placed into foster care and because of the separation from their biological families which have now created emotional and behavioral problems in the child’s life. The child’s behavior can become out of control and beyond what a therapeutic home can provide for. It is at this time that they are referred to the psychiatric hospital. These hospitals become a place of transition into a residential treatment facility. Once again, these children have endured yet another move. They have now been given a diagnosis that leaves them with the assumption that they are crazy and beyond repair. Many children end up with a dual diagnosis because of genetic disorders or childhood illness. One childhood illness that creates crisis in a child’s life is asthma and the â€Å"current prevalence of doctor-diagnosed childhood in the United States is estimated as 7%† (Nicholas, 2005, p. 245). Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing. The coughing usually occurs at night or early in the morning. Children with asthma often have to reduce or limit their play due to their asthmatic symptoms. During an aggressive asthma attack, these children are not able to breath appropriately and are faced with a fear of death. It is for this reason that they must have an asthma action plan in place, take their prescribed medications, and live in a preventative environment. It is important for the families of children with asthma to create a safe and healthy environment for them to live in. This can be done by eliminating tobacco smoke, animal dander, using dust covers for bed mattresses, and making sure that the home is free from pest and rodents. These steps are prevention measures only, they do not eliminate the crisis the child can experience due to not being able to breathe appropriately. Children with asthma would benefit from therapeutic services while learning to cope with their childhood disease.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Religion and Beliefs in Myanmar Essay

Burma is a predominantly Theravada Buddhist country. An appreciation of Buddhism and its history in Myanmar is a prerequisite for outsiders wishing to better understand the Burmese mind. There are no totally reliable demographic statistics from Burma, but the following is an estimate of the religious composition of the country: Buddhists: 89% Animists: 1% Christians: 4% Muslims: 4% Hindus: 2% Most Myanmar are Buddhist of the Theravada stream. Central to their religious beliefs is karma, the concept that good begets good and evil begets evils. The ultimate aim in life according to Buddhist belief is to escape the cycle of rebirth and reach Nirvana. Meritorious deeds that will help a person to achieve Nirvana include giving donations (especially to monks) and abiding by the Five Precepts and practicing Bavana (meditation). Some Myanmar people, especially those from the rural areas, have many superstitions. Astrology, palmistry and clairvoyance are sometimes relied upon to make important decisions. These may include marriage, going into a business partnership, naming a baby, and others. To offset bad luck, certain meritorious deeds or yadaya may be performed such as setting free some live birds or animals, building a footbridge, or mending a road. Religion and Beliefs in MyanmarBurma is a predominantly Theravada Buddhist country. An appreciation of Buddhism and its history i n Myanmar is a prerequisite for outsiders wishing to better understand the Burmese mind. There are no totally reliable demographic statistics from Burma, but the following is an estimate of the religious composition of the country:Buddhists: 89%Animists: 1%Christians: 4%Muslims: 4%Hindus: 2%Most Myanmar are Buddhist of the Theravada stream. Central to their religious beliefs is karma, the concept that good begets good and evil begets evils. The ultimate aim in life according to Buddhist belief is to escape the cycle of rebirth and reach Nirvana. Meritorious deeds that will help a person to achieve Nirvana include giving donations (especially to monks) and abiding by the Five Precepts and practicing Bavana (meditation).Some Myanmar people, especially  those from the rural areas, have many superstitions. Astrology, palmistry and clairvoyance are sometimes relied upon to make important decisions. These may include marriage, going into a business partnership, naming a baby, and others. To offset bad luck, certain meritorious deeds or yadaya may be performed such as setting free some live birds or animals, building a footbridge, or mending a road. http://asia.isp.msu.edu/wbwoa/southeast_asia/burma/history.htm http://asia.isp.msu.edu/wbwoa/southeast_asia/burma/history.htm

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on World War 2

War is one of the most tragic things in our world today. It is even sadder that usually it comes around at least once in our lifetime. In the 20th century alone we have already had two huge wars. These wars were call the World Wars simply because they involved most of the big countries of the world. Many people have died in these wars, Especially the Second World War. That is my focus for this essay. The leader of Germany at the time of WW2 and the person who most think started WW2 was a man named Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler was born in Austria. By the time that World War 1 started in 1914, he was living in Germany. He served well in the German Army and for that he earned a medal for bravery. At the end of the war Hitler decided to take up politics. By 1921 he was already the founding leader of the Nazi party. Hitler was an incredibly racist man and he had a great hate for Jews. By 1933, Hitler gained political power by winning the election. Soon after he made himself absolute dictator, calling himself the Fuhrer, which means "Leader". By the end of the 30's he was already sending Jews off too concentration camps to meet a horrible death. I believe that Hitler was one of the greatest causes of World War 2. Although there are many other reasons, he was definitely one of them. Another reason was the Treaty of Versailles. This was the treaty that was signed at the end of World War 1. This treaty outlined the rules that Germany must follow because of their defeat by Britain and France. The treaty angered many Germans, for most of the rules in the treaty were unfair and Germany lost a great amount of wealth. One of the cruelest reasons for the war was Hitler's racist hate for Jews. He would send them off in cattle cars to places called concentration camps were they would be slaughtered by the thousands. World War 2 was huge and involved a lot of countries. There were thousands of battlefronts and war sites. The two main battlefronts ... Free Essays on World War 2 Free Essays on World War 2 War is one of the most tragic things in our world today. It is even sadder that usually it comes around at least once in our lifetime. In the 20th century alone we have already had two huge wars. These wars were call the World Wars simply because they involved most of the big countries of the world. Many people have died in these wars, Especially the Second World War. That is my focus for this essay. The leader of Germany at the time of WW2 and the person who most think started WW2 was a man named Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler was born in Austria. By the time that World War 1 started in 1914, he was living in Germany. He served well in the German Army and for that he earned a medal for bravery. At the end of the war Hitler decided to take up politics. By 1921 he was already the founding leader of the Nazi party. Hitler was an incredibly racist man and he had a great hate for Jews. By 1933, Hitler gained political power by winning the election. Soon after he made himself absolute dictator, calling himself the Fuhrer, which means "Leader". By the end of the 30's he was already sending Jews off too concentration camps to meet a horrible death. I believe that Hitler was one of the greatest causes of World War 2. Although there are many other reasons, he was definitely one of them. Another reason was the Treaty of Versailles. This was the treaty that was signed at the end of World War 1. This treaty outlined the rules that Germany must follow because of their defeat by Britain and France. The treaty angered many Germans, for most of the rules in the treaty were unfair and Germany lost a great amount of wealth. One of the cruelest reasons for the war was Hitler's racist hate for Jews. He would send them off in cattle cars to places called concentration camps were they would be slaughtered by the thousands. World War 2 was huge and involved a lot of countries. There were thousands of battlefronts and war sites. The two main battlefronts ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Publishing Opportunities Continue to Grow

Publishing Opportunities Continue to Grow The debate between traditional and self publishing continues, sometimes becoming very heated. In the midst of this debate a new publishing opportunity has arisen called Cooperative Publishing, sometimes billed as a middle option between traditional and self publishing. Sidebar: According to the Small Business Association, sba.gov/content/cooperative, the definition of a cooperative business is â€Å"a business or organization owned A publishing cooperative, in its purest sense, includes a group of authors, editors, proofreaders and sometimes graphic designers and marketing experts, who join together to publish one another’s books. No one in the group receives a salary and they each receive royalties from the sales of the books. This is a fairly new business model for publishing that is growing in momentum around the country. One such coop is the Columbus Creative Cooperative http://columbuscoop.org/about_columbus_creative_cooperative.php in Columbus, Ohio led The CCC has grown to a larger model over the six years they have been together according to Pauquette. It’s decentralized with each person doing their own thing. No one receives a salary and they receive a percentage of the profits at the end of the year. In addition to the publishing opportunities CCC offers writing workshops, writing critique sessions and writing contests to develop their writing talents. Columbus Creative Cooperative publishes print and e-books and thus far has stayed with the anthology genre. Pauqette decides on a theme and announce the call for submissions; the paid members go through several layers of review until Pauquette makes the final decision on which stories will make the final cut for the book in process. Authors then sign a contract for the sales and profits for an equal share of the profits. Once the choices are made the book goes through the editing, proofreading and final production stage. The group has three different member levels, each with a different cost and having different benefits, all of which are explained on the website. Although there are not required responsibilities for the members Pauqette feels it works out fairly for everyone because, â€Å"You get back what you put in.† Pauqette says they sell their books through several local retailers such as coffee shops, restaurants, etc. as well as attending festivals. Their vendor program encourages authors to attend the festivals and to submit their other books for consideration to be included at local vendors, festivals and on the CCC website if accepted. They also offer a self publishing option for authors looking for a quality and affordable means to self publish their own books. CCC has no benefactors so our titles have to be successful in the book market. If we dont put out quality books that people want to buy, the cycle breaks down. Other publishing cooperatives include: Maine Authors Publishing maineauthorspublishing.com Book View Cafà © http://bookviewcafe.com/bookstore/about-book-view-cafe Vala Publishers valapublishers.coop/about-vala Word Branch Publishing wordbranch.com/faqs.html

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Strategic Initiative Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Strategic Initiative Paper - Essay Example The higher current ratio than that of the industry implies that the company was able to improve its current assets, and reduce its current liabilities compared with the history of the industry. The company’s cash ratio remained relatively stable with other ratios recorded by companies in this industry at 0.3 (30%). This shows that the management was in a position to manage its cash assets and liabilities well, maintaining an equivalent ratio with that of the industry (Air investor 2014: A special supplement, 2014). The company’s operating margin ratio remained relatively stable at 0.08 (8%) compared with that of the industry which was recorded at 0.78 (7.8%). The stable operating margin meant that the company was able to generate enough income from sales that have aided the company’s business. The company’s profit margin ratio was recorded at 0.05 (5%) for the year 2012 and 2013 compared with that of the industry which was a little lower at 0.04 (4%) (2013 world airline report, 2013). This relatively higher profit margin shows that the company was able to gather reliable income from